Note: This piece contains adult content. If you have cable it’s probably not too shocking but….. you are forewarned.
As I mentioned in an earlier blog, openly gay Kevin Jennings is Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” (the official title: Assistant Deputy Director for the Office of Safe and
Recent revelations posted by Scott Baker, co-host of B-Cast at Gateway Pundit and should, if there is any sanity left in the World, do the job. GLSEN and
The Little Black Book also discussed the pressing issue of whether to “spit or swallow” and offered a helpful list of the local gay bars where teens could hook up with older gays. Gee, to think that I spent my teen years trying to unravel the mysteries of bra hooks when all this stuff was out there.
In 2000 GLSEN and
I have always believed that what you do in your own bedroom with another consenting adult is nobody’s business. I am also convinced that people attracted to their own sex have always existed, although I have been skeptical of the percentages promoted by the gay activists. Of course, there are no gays in
My problem with the gay movement is that I object to having their life style rubbed in my face. They are not so much after acceptance and equal rights as in convincing everyone that their sexual preferences are normal. What I really object to is the attempt to promote this life style to young and impressionable youth. They are recruiting among teens and pre-teens struggling to figure out their sexual identity. You will have a hard time convincing me that a guy like Jennings who thinks it’s just swell to teach 12 year olds the joys of fisting and hooking up with old pedophiles, has any concept of “safe” schools. If Obama had any sense of shame, he would fire this idiot tomorrow.
Holy moly. I'd never heard of such things. Makes me glad we cancelled cable though.
I never heard of "fisting" but that makes me wonder where do they go after that gets old? Maybe "footing" will be next? However none of this is as important as the reason for the article and that is: Why is this guy in the position he is?
Great informative article as usual, keep it comming.
Cousin Ken
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