The steelhead, like its cousins the salmon, is an anadromous species, meaning it spends its adult life in the ocean before returning to its native stream to spawn. Unlike the salmon, the steelhead does not necessarily die in the effort, but if successful in negotiating the predations of fishermen, tribal nets and sea lions, may return again and again. As a result these fish, which are essentially seagoing rainbow trout, can reach 25 or 30 pounds. In the fast and heavy waters they prefer, they offer fishermen an extreme challenge. They have become for many an addiction.

I have often said that the 15 or 20-mile trip down one of these wild rivers is worth the price of admission. That theory may soon be put to the test as year after year fewer and fewer wild steelhead return to their home rivers. Of course, we’re catching fewer fish but equally as important, we see almost no redds, the nests on the shallow gravel bars where the mating fish have spawned. In years past when we drifted quietly across the shallow gravel flats we could see hundreds of these. Now we seem surprised when we see one or two. In two trips of two days of fishing this year my fishing partner and I managed to land only two fish, a mere fraction of what we would see in years past.
In the face of my own admittedly anecdotal experience I decided to see if I could figure out what was going on. I could not understand why the State of Washington would allow fishermen to continue to kill and keep fish and permit the tribes to place nets in the rivers to intercept wild steelhead when the population appeared to be crashing. Bless the Internet. I located some websites and got the email addresses of a couple of guys in the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

It just happened that while I was muttering about the plight of the steelhead, I was reading a book called The Unnatural History of the Sea by Callum Roberts, a fisheries biologist from England. In it he describes how we have been systematically destroying fish populations since medieval times. The pace has intensified as technology improved and the world’s population grew. The greatest villain has been the trawl, a heavy net dragged across the bottom that sweeps everything in its path. It captures not only the species sought, but also any other fish in its way, including juveniles and, in the process, destroys the coral, reefs and very seabed. It not only wipes out all the fish… it ruins the habitat necessary for reproduction.
As late as 1955 with the publishing of The Inexhaustible Sea man had still not learned the lessons of history. Over exploitation had already eliminated whales, fur seals and sea turtles. European waters had been cleaned of Atlantic salmon, herring and eels and countries competed by building bigger ships and larger fleets. They ranged further from their own shores to exploit new fishing grounds and different species. In North American waters the collapse of the cod, grouper and flounder, just to mention a few have occurred in recent history. Long line fishing for swordfish has decimated that species as well as threatening sharks caught by accident.

The rivers of the Olympic Peninsula are unique. Flowing free and clean out of the Olympic Mountains and unobstructed by dams, they are perfect for supporting the wild populations of steelhead that have existed there for thousands of years. Yet the Washington DNR cannot bring itself to take the necessary steps to prevent the elimination of this wonderful fish from their native rivers.

I think what happened in the oceans and is happening with the Pacific steelhead is best described by a Garrett Harden essay entitled “The Tragedy of the Commons”. In it, Harden supposes a common grazing plot shared by many farmers. In his own self-interest each individual farmer is motivated to add a cow to his herd. The burden of this added animal is shared by all. Eventually, when enough farmers have increased their herd, the common grazing plot is destroyed. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

**All fish photographed in this article were returned to the rivers (alive) to continue their journies.
1 comment:
That is admirable that you released the fish shown, but even if you had taken them home to eat personally that would not have bothered me. Likewise, I have no problems with Indians who catch fish for their own consumption, even if they are granted longer fishing seasons than the rest of us. I do take issue when fishing rights are abused and the fish is either sold or worse yet, not even eaten. My parents live near the Shoalwater Bay Indian reservation and there were times when truckloads of fish would just rot because far too many had been caught than could be used. One of the restaurants I worked for during Jr.High and High School used to get really great deals on blackmarket salmon from the reservation. The decision by Judge Boldt to award 50% of the harvest to Indians in 1974 had a huge impact on non-Indian fisherman in that area. So much so that Judge Boldt became greatly despised and hated. My late father-in-law worked at the V.A. Hospital at American Lake in Tillicum. One of the patients he had in his care while there was the same Mr. Boldt. Because of death threats he was registered under an alias and my FIL wasn't allowed to discuss his presence there until after his (Boldt's) death.
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